Your anti-vax paper is the work of idiots: Anne Ulrich, Harald Walach, Rainer Klement, Wouter Aukema.

Brian Hanley
3 min readJul 2, 2021


The clownshow of Walach ( a psychologist, Klement ( a physicist, and Aukema ( a data scientist, enabled by Ulrich who is a chemistry chair (, had to have used some kind of skulduggery to sneak their paper past peer review in Vaccines. The question is how? Anyone actually familiar with the area, and anyone who can think about what they are doing for a few minutes will realize this paper is trash. This is one of the fastest retractions on record, and completely deserved. The clowns are calling foul, but the only thing foul is their paper.

No, there is no meaning to your paper. It’s not even up to sophomoric — it is numbskullery. That database in Netherlands does not mean that a death is caused — just to start.

You presumably have some math skills — so use them! Now, ask yourselves children— what else do you need to look at when using an adverse event database? Hmm? Think now.

Dear god you nitwits. You need to look at what is the expected death rate! D’oh.

I don’t have it at my fingertips for the Israel and Amsterdam data (which is another potential problem) but I do have it for the USA. I’ve done those calculations, and overall, it should be around 15,000 deaths on the day of the vaccination, versus the roughly 5,000 recorded in VAERS. See a problem yet? Uh, maybe? Oh, that can’t be reliable then because it’s too few associated you say? Nitwits — ou need to look at cause of death by age, and then dig into the patient history as well! D’oh.

Later said in response to criticism, that you interpreted Lareb’s public statements “to mean that those reports that are obviously without any foundation are taken out such that the final data-base is at least reliable to some degree.” No. That is not done. This is a place where anybody can write something. The reports are looked at, and fake or meaningless reports are ignored. That you could say such a thing shouts from the rooftops that you haven’t even thought past that! You couldn’t even get that part right?

Here is reality you clowns. Your paper will cause mass death, mostly in children and the elderly, just like all the rest of the anti-vaccine bullshit that is flying around out there. That is what happens when anti-vaccine messages are blabbered by ignorant, and in your case, just plain stupid people. There will be, for instance, a vaccination campaign in Africa, or Samoa, or Ukraine, (such as those for measles) and the minions of idiocy will “get the message out” and hundreds of thousands or millions of poor and ignorant (mostly black or other dark people) will believe your asinine sincerity. And their children will die because you lie to them. 10,000 or so in Africa recently. Just hundreds in Europe.

That is what you really are. You are ignorant and just plain stupid purveyors of mass murder of innocents. You are part of an ecosystem of profiteering off of the ignorance of fools. They believe you. I’m being hard on you because you idiots are using your credentials to blabber scientific assclownery to the world. You are not heroes. Not. You are assclowns.

So how did you do it? What backchannel corruption did you use to get this paper reviewed by your preferred reviewers? I suppose it’s possible that MDPI, which is owned by a monopoly pursuing private equity firm IIRC, has such dumbfuck processes that it’s possible that one of their chair-warming “editors” just shot it off to the people you listed as preferred. I suppose that might be plausible. But that is not what happened in at the New York Academy of Sciences when the garbage book on Chernobyl was translated and put on their web site. That was arranged by some lower level staffers who slid it past their bosses. I’m waiting for an explanation.



Brian Hanley
Brian Hanley

Written by Brian Hanley

Peer publications in biosciences, economics, terrorism, & policy. PhD - honors from UC Davis, BSCS, entrepreneur. Works on gene therapies & new monetary models.

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