This post, Rob, which is representative of many, is an appalling exercise in justification of predatory behavior by Drummond. You cherry pick bits to fit your pre-determined narrative. But why did you leave out the core facts? Drummond seduced her by telling her he was estranged — AND WANTED MORE CHILDREN! He lived apart from his wife. But it was all lies apparently. Clearly, he and his wife have some sort of “arrangement”. Drummond got her pregnant because he wanted to have another child with her. He said what he had to say to get her to think he was going to marry her. But his intent all along was just the child, and the stories he told her were just the lies needed to get there. He strung her along for quite a while afterward. He got a house for her, got HR to cut her out of his work world with a policy that Google obviously concocted to get rid of the troublesome axolotl tanks of executives when the fertilization or entertainment was over. (Axolotl tank is a reference to the Dune series in which a planet uses female bodies to grow things on an industrial scale. It seems apropos here.) And, he manipulated her so that she signed all sorts of documents to remove her rights to sue the company, and probably him as well. Did she give up her stock options? Who knows? She doesn’t say.
(Given that those documents were signed under entirely false pretenses, I think a decent attorney could break them.)
So, YOU think that telling any sort of lies to get whatever you want is just fine. Good to know.
Then, this guy Drummond abused the courts by failing to pay, trying to keep her from her child, and all-around wasting everybody’s time, just because he felt like it. You think that’s great. Well f*@% you. I say that because I have seen multiple cases of real problems drowned out in this over-privileged trash. The courts are filled with this over-privileged $#!t, and you and I are paying for it, because the courts are paid for by public taxpayer money.
Yes, I do question her judgment a little, but only a little. Because men and women both, well, we want to believe in love, and we have to in order to have relationships. When one party lies through their teeth for the whole thing, then that fundamental foundation is gone.
Yes, it’s true, women are attracted to a$$#01es. It’s probably the same thing as female gorillas being attracted to the biggest baddest gorilla, or female baboons being attracted to the big bad baboon who took over the troop last week. And men are attracted to women who like them and have breedable characteristics. (As long as we are talking bald evolution here.) That doesn’t mean that the kind of petty, nasty, bull$%!t described here should be tolerated just because some guy is chief counsel at Google.
Drummond could have certainly found multiple women to have his children on contract. Smart ones too. He could have been out front about what was really happening there. But he chose not to. That’s not on her. That’s on him.