Brian Hanley
3 min readAug 10, 2021

Listen Liberal! YOU are the cause of global warming! Because solar and wind are a Potemkin Village.

Conservatives, or Trump, are not what is causing global warming and making it worse — not now. What is causing and exacerbating global warming now is that solar and wind intermittency is forcing us to burn fossil fuel, and self-appointed “right and nice” people are killing nuclear power plants all over this world. Together this is expanding CO2 emissions while we pretend to try to reduce them.

Stupid greed is causing global warming. It was the original cause, and it’s the cause now. And it’s very much a bipartisan phenomenon. The stupid that is causing global warming is more a Democratic/Liberal matter than a Republican/Conservative one. This is true in the USA, in Canada, in the UK, and the entire EU. The biggest stupid of all is EnergieWende.

What is going to bring down civilization is nice guy liberal stupid like EnergieWende. Nice person liberal stupid, like Angela Merkel. Nice person liberal stupid, like Gavin Newsom. Nice guy liberal stupid like Jerry Brown. Nice person liberal stupid like Barrack Obama. (I won’t bore you continuing this list.)

People like this have been pretending to be addressing global warming for decades now. And every single one of them have been lying. It is 100% deceit and sociopathic studied stupidity. It is impossible that Angela Merkel, a PhD chemist did not know she was lying. Gavin Newsom is dumb enough about most things that he might not know, but I am certain he has heard about it.

Our entire response to global warming is a Potemkin village. It always was a Potemkin village. It was constructed with your tax dollars by liars to fool you into thinking that they were doing anything about it. It was and is 100% lies. EnergieWende is a Potemkin Village on steroids. The Green New Deal is a Potemkin Village. And all of those nice journalists and PR flacks who collaborate to make this Potemkin Village of EnergieWende and the Green New Deal sound great are the enemy. Mostly, they are you, liberal.

And this herd of stupids that has followed and swallowed those lies is the herd that is killing us. It’s not Trumpers. You can’t blame them. They may be denying that warming is happening if they can, but they aren’t implementing fake fixes. Have you ever seen a Trumper attack a nuclear power plant? No. It’s you, the nice, liberal people who can’t be bothered to learn just a little bit of science. You. You are the ones making this happen.

You, sipping your latte while the world burns down around you, and campaigning to shut down nuclear plants while that happens because you are quite literally too stupid to survive. You, chatting with your friends, going to yoga classes, attacking GMOs because your herd you belong to, well, that’s what you do — and nuclear is bad because — everyone knows that.

You. The one who thinks that we can just stop using so much energy and it will go away because — solar and wind. Except science says no — solar and wind cannot. You — the person who hasn’t the slightest clue of the massive poverty cutting energy will cause, the mass death on an unprecedented scale that energy poverty will create. Because energy = money. Garrett showed in 2011 that $1 of 1990 money = 9.7 milliwatts of energy. The ratio is different for the ruble, or the yuan, or the Euro, but they are all the same.

Look in the mirror. If you aren’t fighting as hard as you can for nuclear power, which is the only dispatchable on demand energy that is CO2 zero, then you are the enemy. Nobody else. You.

Brian Hanley
Brian Hanley

Written by Brian Hanley

Peer publications in biosciences, economics, terrorism, & policy. PhD - honors from UC Davis, BSCS, entrepreneur. Works on gene therapies & new monetary models.

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