Brian Hanley
1 min readJan 15, 2016

-- - The False Premises and Promises of Bitcoin

Bitcoin was, from its inception, based on complete ignorance of how banking works and how money behaves. It was based on the quaint notion that scarcity makes money valuable, and growth of the money supply is anathema to economics. It’s a phenomenal juxtaposition of extreme competence in cryptography, and ridiculous malarkey at the conceptual foundation. This happened because the designer(s) of bitcoin were terminally arrogant, and, frankly speaking, economic idiots.

The core problem is that bitcoin unified the unit of account and the unit of exchange. This created a throwback to biblical times and hard-money. It is rather astounding that the very people (engineers of various kinds) who are responsible for creating the massive amounts of new utility value that require the creation of more money, are almost universally complete and utter morons about economics. Worse than that, this group tends to take up crank notions of what money is, what makes things tick, and then loudly advocate them to the rest of the world. Bitcoin is the completely logical outcome of that.

It was completely predictable that bitcoin would become a system that was used to make criminal transactions. It’s only value is as a money transfer layer, that’s it. And it was obvious from the beginning that the external pricing of that money transfer commodity would be volatile. There was no way around it.



Brian Hanley

Peer publications in biosciences, economics, terrorism, & policy. PhD - honors from UC Davis, BSCS, entrepreneur. Works on gene therapies & new monetary models.