Center of the Hive: RFK Jr. is a litigator and he wants the vaccine gold mine back
RFK Jr. is the keystone player in the anti-vaccine world (look at the above figure), he is the #1 anti-vax disinformation spreader. Because RFK Jr. endlessly repeats what have become lies, and because he employs staff to dispense this deadly nonsense for him, and because he calls his organization Children’s Health Defense, he stands responsible for a great many deaths from preventable diseases all over the world. Those deaths number in the tens of thousands at minimum. The case is not hard to make that RFK Jr is responsible for millions of deaths of children over the decades he has done this. Few people in history have been responsible for the deaths of so many.
When I say RFK Jr.’s lawyerly “talking points” have become lies, I mean that when he first put them together 35+ years ago, they were possibly plausible questions a layman might ask. But each point raised was studied, and the results published, over and over, until now there is absolutely no question — RFK Jr.’s “aw shucks, folks, I’m just askin’ questions,” has become a pack of lies. His repetitive, “I’m not anti-vax,” refrain is a crock of fertilizer too, given his record.
RFK Jr. has never deviated from the messaging he selected around 35 years ago. When he does this endless repetition, RFK Jr. is just acting like an attorney does. Good litigation attorneys do this in the courtroom, they select the “story” (true or not) they think they can sell to a jury. And they pound on that story to the jury. It’s a formula, repetition = true in the minds of jurors.
When confronted, RFK Jr. does exactly the same DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender) game attorneys do. RFK Jr. has never broken character. He has dealt with the large number of studies proving every single thing he says wrong by the lawyerly tactic of… repeating his message. This is a technique litigators learn — just ignore any responses and repeat your message. It does not take brilliance. It just takes repetition. It works because normal people just don’t do that. Normal people engage in conversation, although addicts and others that have attended 12-step programs will recognize this endless repetition as an abuse tactic. He employs staff to keep this disinfo machine going. For RFK Jr. that organization is an investment.
Dr. Mercola is the #2 anti-vax disinformation spreader, even though he has slightly more followers. Based on my interactions with Mercola online, I am quite sure that he contracts with troll farms. If RFK Jr. employs troll farms (and it seems a likely possibility, given his resources) they are a higher class of farm. I’m concentrating on RFK Jr. here because Mercola is not being proposed for HHS, and RFK Jr. is head of HHS which is an abomination.
I have had uneducated Africans tell me online that they will beat me to death if they find me in Africa because I worked on vaccines. This is, in large part, because of the dedicated efforts of RFK Jr to demonize vaccines, and his demonization of Bill Gates. (Watch this space. If RFK Jr. ever responds to this article, he will deny he ever demonized anyone.)
Here is the damage RFK Jr. has done. 100,000 children per year dead of measles in modern times, mostly under 5. Is it fair to indict RFK Jr. for 100,000 kids dying per year? Yes. It is. Why? Because not only is RFK Jr. the keystone to the anti-vaccine disinformation ecosystem, he has been shouting it for around 35 years to the world and convincing ignorant parents to let their kids risk death and worse. He has done so for decades after being disproven in his “just askin’ questions” game, and much worse than “Hey, I’m just askin’ folks”. This organization is a system RFK Jr. operates with deadly effect.
Most of those who listen and believe are in the developing world. Africans, South Sea Islanders (in Samoa 83 died because of RFK Jr’s intervention), people all over the world listen to the thoroughly debunked garbage that RFK Jr. puts out about vaccines. He has a big megaphone, and gets publicity just because of his name. However, during Covid it became a political tribe’s position to reject vaccines, and that resulted in at least thousands of deaths, including many leading voices that took up the anti-Covid vaccine cry. The Herman Caine Award was created because of this vaccine rejection. It’s a kind of Darwin Award.
RFK Jr. fits into the larger anti-vax grifter world of people like Dr. Mercola. Mercola made millions from it, although I think Mercola’s $15 million net worth at retirement is pipsqueak compared to the financial ambitions of RFK Jr.. You see, RFK Jr.’s financial ambitions are multi-billion dollar settlements.
RFK Jr. is a high profile litigator who won the $289 million award against Monsanto. Monsanto actually paid $78 million. If RFK Jr. got the standard 40% of that, he would get $31.2 million from that case alone. This would make him rich by most people’s standards. And he got that on top of Kennedy inheritance money.
In a court case, juries side with the parents almost every time. Juries want to punish the “bad company” for the “terrible harm” they are told about. Malicious movies are made, like “The Constant Gardner”, that prime juries to believe terrible things. The brave lawyer riding in on a white horse of truth is a TV show trope.
The Constant Gardner movie said that pharmaceutical companies go to Africa to experiment on and kill Africans with deadly drugs, then cover it up. In the real clinical trial in Nigeria that The Constant Gardner movie is based on, 11 out of 200 people with meningitis died or were disabled by their meningitis who took a Pfizer antibiotic. In this clinical trial that inspired the movie, ceftriaxone was compared with Trovan — ceftriaxone’s mortality rate was slightly higher at 6% compared to Trovan’s 5%. Trovan was the “deadly drug” used as the plot device for the movie. Yes, it would have wrecked the whole plotline if the big reveal was that the already approved antibiotic ceftriaxone had slightly worse numbers. There is no suggestion in science that the antibiotic, Trovan, was at fault for anything that happened in Nigeria. Trovan was withdrawn after 2 years in the USA and EU for liver toxicity, but that liver toxicity did not appear in the Nigerian trial.
So here is what really happened with The Constant Gardner. This movie was made that convinced ignorant Africans that pharmaceutical companies were happy to kill them. This is a lie. Because of that movie many Africans avoid medical pharmaceuticals, and are suspicious of anything from pharma. This is on top of cultures with traditions of chopping of the living arms and legs of albinos to use as medicine, and giving pre-pubescent virgins to sick old men to cure venereal diseases like HIV. So a movie about pharma killing Africans was actually a grift by the movie makers that was itself responsible for killing Africans wholesale by causing them to avoid life-saving interventions.
Litigation attorneys are still upset about losing their vaccine “injury” cash cow, and they want it back. If lawyers get their cash cow back they will have a shot at getting multi-billion dollar settlements. Those settlements will be undeserved, because juries don’t understand statistics, and don’t understand the fundamental numbers involved.
Here is what a jury has to understand. There are only 365.25 days in a year. In the USA 676.5 million covid vaccines have been administered over roughly 2 years. Worldwide? Approximately 7.5–8 billion covid vaccinations. What is 676.5 million/730.5 days? 926,078 (almost 1 million vaccines per day). In the real world, some days it’s a lot more, some days less. 926,078 vaccines per day divided by 100,000 people = 9.26 people per day if something occurs 1 in 100,000.
Let’s take myocarditis as our example. Pre-Covid, myocarditis was 10.5 to 105 cases per 100,000 people. So to figure out how many we should expect during a covid vaccine campaign, we multiply the number of baseline cases by 9.26 times. This means that we can expect between 10.5 x 9.26 = 97 and 105 x 9.26 = 972 people to develop myocarditis on the same day as their vaccination. But for those people that get a vaccine, and get myocarditis the same day, they are certain. Of course, in the real world people look for weeks of months to the time after a vaccine and link it in their mind. So those numbers in the popular mind can be hugely higher.
Try convincing a jury that the tearful or furious parents deserve nothing, or a pittance using that argument.
That is why the vaccine court is the right place to deal with vaccine injury claims. Juries are not scientists. The vaccine court is what RFK Jr. has been out to destroy for the past 35 years.
But there’s more. RFK Jr. lies by omission about why we have the vaccine court. Trial lawyers destroyed vaccines by the 1980’s. Vaccine lawsuits were a gold mine that kept on giving, and lawyers used it like an ATM that handed out million dollar coins — kaching!. As a result, all vaccine makers either shut down, or were going to. That is why the vaccine court came into being. The USA had to have vaccines, and the vaccine court is what was necessary. Science and truth had nothing to do with vaccine injury cases.
The reason that we have the vaccine court is that we need vaccines and trial lawyers really don’t care about anything except the money and winning. Maybe RFK Jr. believes the lies he repeats, but my experience with attorneys tells me he probably does not think in terms of truth or lies — he thinks “Is this a winning message?”
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. — Upton Sinclair